Zoom Q&A with Bill Schmidt – SBIS


Q&A with Bill Schmidt on your Health Insurance Questions. This will be a zoom call where each person can participate. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtfuqtqzosG9MD2y1H_LET8orY4Gj7Ta5E

NPSOA Idea Exchange & Happy Hour


Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of every month for the NPSOA Idea Exchange & Happy Hour. Come enjoy some time with your peers, see old friends and make new […]

Q&A PlanProphet

Register Early https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82312034757?pwd=OGQvM1E0c1BTZmpnTi9zWkFqckc5QT09

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