Zoom Q&A with Bill Schmidt – SBIS


Q&A with Bill Schmidt on your Health Insurance Questions. This will be a zoom call where each person can participate. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtfuqtqzosG9MD2y1H_LET8orY4Gj7Ta5E

NPSOA Idea Exchange & Happy Hour


Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of every month for the NPSOA Idea Exchange & Happy Hour. Come enjoy some time with your peers, see old friends and make new ones! We talk about emerging trends, successes and strategies and, most importantly, have fun doing it! Click the registration link below and select the date […]

Q&A PlanProphet

Register Early https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82312034757?pwd=OGQvM1E0c1BTZmpnTi9zWkFqckc5QT09

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